Call of duty cold war xbox review
Call of duty cold war xbox review

call of duty cold war xbox review

These aren’t simply puzzles like you might find in an Uncharted game, either. Suffice to say, I absolutely loved solving these and their addition to the campaign makes it that much better. To get a sense of these puzzles, check out my guides here and here. These puzzles are actually quite good, and can’t simply be looked up online to solve. The campaign isn’t long, but you’ll likely have to play some missions more than once to gather evidence which is used in a pair of puzzles that are required to complete in order to complete the side missions the correct way. Familiar faces like Frank Woods and Alex Mason return to the fold, and you’ll play some missions as Mason though these are side-missions.

call of duty cold war xbox review

The campaign’s story focuses largely on your boss, Russell Adler, and his pursuit of Soviet spy Perseus. The final act is Black Ops at its weirdest and most inventive. And it turns out you’re quite the enigma. You play as a couple different characters depending on the mission, but primarily you’re a character whose gender, backstory and so forth you create yourself. It’s a solid, exciting campaign with some interesting twists and turns, a trippy ending(s) and some cool puzzles to solve. I really enjoyed the Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War campaign. Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Credit: Treyarch

Call of duty cold war xbox review